Challenges at Board and Staff Facilitations
People are the challenge, especially those who are:
- Arguers – Ask the participants, “Who would like to respond to that?”
- Clowns – Call on clowns for a serious answer.
- Complainers – Ask them to become problem solvers.
- Dig-Inners – Ask them to develop another point of view.
- Idea Zappers – Ask group how the rest of you see this.
- Interrupters – “It's also important that Mary present her
point of view.” - Latecomers – Assign them the first item on the agenda.
- Monopolizers – Refer them to the ground rule to share air time.
- Non-listeners – Ask then to restate what someone else has said.
- Non-participators – Call on them directly for their suggestions.
- Tangent Talkers – “That's very interesting, though we do have
to move on.”
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